Active projects
Name Summary Keywords Links
C Algorithms and Data Structures An opensource repository containing fundamental algorithms and data structures implemented in C programming language. ['C', 'Algorithms', 'Data Strucutres'] Source code
VPN service A comprehensive backend for VPN service, running both SSR, and REST API. ['Python', 'Django', 'Django Rest Framework', 'Celery', 'PostgreSQL', 'Redis', 'RabbitMQ', 'Flower', 'Beat', 'OpenVPN', 'Gunicorn', 'NGINX', 'Docker', 'VPS', 'RPC']
Finished projects
Name Summary Keywords Links
Personal site Deployed personal site on Django with a blog app. ['Python', 'Django', 'PostgreSQL', 'NGINX', 'Gunicorn'] Project site
Voice Recorder A GUI application, that allows to record and save audio. ['Python', 'Tkinter', 'PyAudio', 'NumPy', 'Wavio'] Source code
Posters Developed a robust backend. Time consuming tasks optimization. ['Python', 'Django', 'PostgreSQL', 'Redis', 'RabbitMQ', 'Celery', 'Gunicorn', 'NGINX', 'Flower', 'Beat'] Project site Source code
Frozen projects
Name Summary Keywords Links
RegEx Pattern Replacer. A CLI application make code refactoring easier. Allows to change text in multiple files recursively. ['Python', 'RegEx'] Source code