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Автор: Sergei Chabrov
Исходный язык: English
Сен 2024
Base Celery guideline for Django. You will learn how to set up Celery, Message Broker. Celery admin tools and many more.
Читать Читать PDFDocker
Автор: Sergei Chabrov
Исходный язык: English
Окт 2024
Docker components and commands overview. Introduction into Networks, Volumes, Dockerfiles, and Docker Compose.
Читать PDFDjango
Автор: Sergei Chabrov
Исходный язык: English
Окт 2024
This article contains simple and constructive notes about the Django Framework. These notes cover such topics as models, View, templates, and authentication. Localization, caching, etc.
Читать Читать PDFOperating systems (OSes)
Автор: Sergei Chabrov
Исходный язык: English
Дек 2024
A comprehensive course on Operating systems. This course covers topics such as memory, I/O, processes, and threads, inter process communication, etc.
Читать PDFCyclomatic Complexity (CC)
Автор: Sergei Chabrov
Исходный язык: English
Дек 2024
Cyclomatic complexity (CC) is a software metric that measures the complexity of a program. It counts the number of independent paths through the code, determined by the number of control structures.
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